I have written three books about my life.
I wrote them for me and then I thought maybe someone else
wants to read them as well.
Henrik Moberger interviewed me and Anne Radestedt
has designed the layout.
The books are available in pdf (but yet only in Swedish) which
I present on this site togheter with material of events missed
or did not fit into the books.
The first book covers the time from when I was born
on the 27th August 1960 until the first of August 2003
when I sold my company STI PLAST AB
The second book covers the period from second of August 2003
until the eight of October 2011.
In december 2011 we started a tour around the world which ended
in january 2012 so that trip I wrote about in the third book.
The third book is from the first of December 2011 until
the seventen of March 2020, the day France went into their first
Have a look at the Music and Extras which will constantly be
updated, meanwhile enjoy reading the books.